Leave us a comment on the Trail Conditions & News blog about which route you used, what the trail was like, and anything that needs attention. You can also leave (or respond to) questions on the Kane Valley Trails or about local weather.
We’ll also use these posts and the comments to tell you what’s been groomed, what is scheduled to be groomed, and anything else club members and trail users should know about.
You don’t have to leave your full name (e.g., Joe or Madonna is fine), but do use the same name each time you log in (e.g., don’t switch from Joe to Joe DiMaggio).
You do need to leave a valid e-mail address (this is to deter spammers) – this will not be used for any other purpose and remain confidential. Your first posting will not appear until approved. After that your posts will appear immediately, as long as you keep using exactly the same login name and email address.
To leave a comment or read what others have posted about snow, weather and trail conditions: click on the small grey Comment link immediately below any individual blog post. To post a new comment scroll down past all the previous comments to find the comment box.
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