Get ready to ski & AGM – November 2018

We’ve had a few dustings of snow – the ski season is coming!  Preparations are already underway for the 2018-2019 ski season.

Nicola Nordic Ski Club AGM – Tuesday 20 November 2018

No more boring AGMs – this one will be fun: Brambles Bakery 5:30 to 7:00 PM. Good food: Lasagne, garlic bread and salad for $10. Meeting will end in time for folks to enjoy the Home Routes music night featuring the award-winning ensemble Silk Road Music.

Consider being a director of the Nicola Nordic Ski Club

We need committed skiers to help run our club. It is not a big time commitment – just a few meetings through the ski season. If you are interested contact us or just come to the AGM and volunteer.

Groomers needed

We need experienced snowmobile operators to help with grooming our trails this season. We usually pay $2-3,000 to grooming contractors. If you are interested contact us:

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