Been skiing in the past day or so? Leave us a comment about which route you used, what the trail was like, and anything that needs attention. You can also leave (or respond to) questions on the Kane Valley Trails or about local weather.
We’ll also use these posts to tell you what’s been groomed, what is scheduled to be groomed, and anything else club members and trail users should know about.
You don’t have to leave your full name (e.g., Joe or Madonna is fine).
You do need to leave a valid e-mail address (this is to deter spammers) – this will not be used for any other purpose and remain confidential. Your first posting will not appear until approved. After that your posts will appear immediately.
To leave a comment or read what others have posted about snow, weather and trail conditions: click on the small grey Comment link immediately below. Comments from past weeks are available in the menu to the right.
December 26, 2011
Skied the afternoon of December 26
Raven’s Ridge – A small amount of snow on a firm base. Snow not sticky and trail is smooth.
To whomever is in charge of the brochures: There are no brochures at P1.
Will you approve me?
Mike went out this am (24th) and groomed the following trails:
Vale, Menzies, Raven’s Ridge, Tillicum, Asp, Crossover, Gulch, Matthew’s Loop and Kane. Thanks Mike!!
Skiers – please post the skiing conditions on these and other trails. Please do not snowshoe on these groomed trails.
Merry Christmas!
The skiing on Mathiews West , on Friday , December 23 was tough going for most skiiers. The snow is very good but the trail is hard to ski on , as it has not been groomed. For people who do not like hills, I would not go on at present as you cannot snowplow down the hills on the run. Mathews East is good because a snowmobile has gone around it. It is too bad none of the trails have been groomed because the snow is good, it was not melting on Friday and the temperature was 3-4 degrees. I think I would stick to snow shoeing until the trails are groomed, if you have snowshoes.
Snow conditions looked good on Thursday.
We look forward to some grooming as we also have out-of-province visitors coming.
Keep us posted.
Murphy & Katharine
Willi Kiegerl posted this today but it ended up in last week’s blog.
“The shady trails (e.g. Kane) have not melted out this week. They would be ski-able if they were groomed. Any chance? It would be nice to be able to show off our facilities to holiday visitors.”
Willi – I believe Mike Hassel is organizing some grooming over the next day or two.